

Friday 29 June 2012

Recognise this?  Do you have any of them?  I have 6 of them.
It's a bra bag.

Made by TIDE, I got mine at Zellers..in the closet organiser section.
I wash my bras in the washer, dry them on a rack.  But if you wash your bras in the machine and you like to wear underwire bra, the machine can snag them. The wires can will break or tear through the sides of your expensive bra.... the wire can tear through and get lodged in the holes in your washer drum..and chip the enamal...ask me how I know that!                                                                                                                                       
With these little bags, you can safely wash your bras, or your other unmentionables in the washer.  The bag will hold 2 bras. If you have a large bra, then just one.     I don't know how many panties.                                                                               
Put in and zip em up and toss them in the washer.  Don't have to worry about snagging other clothes with the hooks , either.   I could use a large delicates bag, but I usually have T-shirts in it.       
When I have small pieces of fabric that I want to wash I use one of  these bags.  Excellent for that too.  When I cleared out my mother's house I wanted to wash fabrics that I brought home ( her cat had a VERY  bad flea problem), I used these bags .

Monday   is a holiday here in Canada ...we call it "Canada Day"...original, eh?  It used to be called "Dominion Day"....because we are the "Dominion of Canada"...but the politicians in Ottawa decided that "Canada Day" was better . ....There I go ...digressing again...off on a tanget...                                                                                                    
               What I want to say is...no blog on Monday!
Have a great long weekend!


  1. Happy Dominion Day Patti. Still a good name for the day IMHO
    Talk to you when I get back.

  2. Happy Dominion Day!

    Re: Those bags....Yes, I have one. They are like Victoria's Secret - they discriminate against large busted women!

    My SIL said one day when I was complaining because VS charges more for each cup size over C (I am a 34 or 36 DD or DDD), "Well, that is not fair. They don't give me a price break for my A cups!"

    Tide bags will hold a D but not a DD or a DDD without bending.
