

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

I just got a phone call from a scam artist...
My sister and I played along...The caller had an heavy accent, she was obviously reading from a script......
The caller wanted to know what version of windows I had...we said windows 95...everything she asked us to do we said we did, but didn't do it...we faked it..hehehe...(we waited and waited for her to ask for my credit card #)...my sister told her that I was always watching porn...(I don't)  the caller said we had a virus...My sister said "I knew it!  I knew it.... she has A.I.D.s from watching  all the porn...maybe we should put the computer in a plastic bag to protect us from the virus.." We were laughing so hard... the caller hung up!
Gee, spoiled our fun!
I don't fall for these things...I will block the number she called from..000-000-0000....anyone who has their number blocked (to me) or uses a number like the one she used...gets no respect or time from me...so don't call me trying to sell me anything or looking for donations  (too many "sound alike" charities asking for money)

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