

Thursday, 28 June 2012

My daughter gave me a bunch of nice king size sheets..she didn't want them because they are too crisp for her, and she now has a queen size bed.
The mister and I like our sheets crisp...so I took them.  I decided not to alter the bottom sheets, just tuck them in...oh...like we used to do.  I made the top sheets on some smaller.  Now that was a real pain.  Those sheets are SO tightly woven it was hard to sew them.  Some of the sheets I am giving to a friend who has a king bed.

My daughter cleaned out her whole linen closet and along with the sheets were these little pillow cases.......
The first one is one that I made 45 years ago for my first baby.  I used an old sheet and embroidered these little flowers by hand.  Pink and blue..back then we didn't know the sex before hand.  I sewed that whole pillowcase by hand.  Crap, thinking back, I even made a pillow.
A few years later when I convinced the mister I needed a sewing machine, I resewed it.
Over the years it grew a little smaller as I had to take in the seams as the corners wore out. Eventually I serged it.
The second, I made a few years later...hand cross-stitched and also sewed by hand.
My kids used these for pillows in their carriage...hmmm...remember them?

I saved them, an afgan my grandparents gave me, along with a couple of little outfits for my grand children.
Even though I gave them to my daughter to use for the granddaughters, I don't think they got used much.
So now, I will put them away for my great grand children. (OH BOY!)

ohhhh!   I can add to the "collection" with some more embroidered pillowcases done on my embroidery machine.

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