

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

I am sitting here in my chair with my laptop as I do most Sunday mornings. I have the patio door open and the morning air is cool(ish) and quiet (except for the cardinal singing his little heart out).  There is a nice breeze blowing, the humidity has not yet crept up and although it is 82 degrees out there in the shade, it feels quite pleasant.  It's nice to enjoy some fresh air.  It's been exceptionly hot , then coolish, then blisteringly hot, now coolish...I won't say cool, because it only feels cool compared to the heat.

I usually surf through blogs on Sundays, some that I let slide and others that I come across as I surf.
I was reading some previous posts from Angie at http://blog.ajpadilla.com/  called
"I am CAT and I will sleep where I want"
Having a cat myself,  I know how quirky and independant they are.  And having found my cat in some weird sleeping spots, I thought some of the pics were cute. I've seen some of them before, but thought that I would share.
If this doesn't make you want to take a cat nap...I don't know what would.

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