

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Today is pasta day and the girls all stay for dinner.  We haven't had 'pasta' per se in quite a while .  Thing One has been sick of pasta and so am I.  We haven't had it for 3 or 4 weeks...so today we had pasta.  I also made Thing One  some chicken.

hovering hawks
 And I worked on a couple more blocks..I finished 'hovering hawks'.  I chose a flowery brown and a fabric that I have used often for the background.

Then I worked on maple leaf...I was going to make it red and white for our Canadian flag, but then I thought...no, it would stick out like a sore thumb.
 So, there was a particular green fabric that I thought would be nice...and ooopps..out of that one.  I found another green that I liked for the leaf and then a nice gold for the background.  I made sure the design in the gold fabric  was going in the same direction.  With an easy block like this, I was successful doing that...and I think it turned out quite nice. 

maple leaf


  1. As the mother of distance runners that wanted carb loading every Friday night, I still get a little squeamish at the thought of pasta!

    I am enjoying seeing your progress. I really need to start mine but I think I will wait until July to do so for personal reasons. Besides, you will have so much more done for me to read about! LOL

  2. Coming along nice Patti! And green is just as canadian as red ;)
