

Friday, 20 April 2012

I haven't done any sewing for a few days now.  The weather is cool,  sunny and bright. The sun and dandelions making it hard to stay in my sewing room.  There are even butterflies out in the back yard! There are some of the little yellow ones and some small black and red ones my son says are red admirals.

last summer

I have toyed with the idea of moving my machine in front of the window.  It's a nice big window and I can see out at the back yard.  The  cedar trees are full of birds and squirrels.  In the neighbour's wood piles, we have a family of chipmunks.
I have 4 bird feeders out in the yard and the critters keep me busy filling them up. 
Last summer we even had a opossum in the feeder.  He (or she) came for several nights, early, just after dark, and raided the feeder.  After a couple of days I though I would take some pics..I was only a foot away from it.
 Bob, next door traps all sorts of raccoons all summer long,(they come for the cherries, and after they ferment on the tree, they get drunk! LOL), so I went over and asked him to try for the possum. 
He caught it the next day.
 I don't know where he takes the animals, but it's illegal to harm them in anyway....or so I was told when I called the 'HUMANE SOCIETY". 
This winter I got some seed mixed with capsicum..that's hot pepper juice.  Apparently it doesn't affect the birds, but the mammals  don't like it.  I think one squirrel developed a taste for it...she kept coming back for more, or else she was really hungry!  She's been around for a long time and I noticed she had babies in the fall.
All the animals around keeps the cat entertained ...she will sit at the patio door for hours watching the feeder just outside..not a foot away from her.  Then I will let her out....of course...nothing will come to the feeder then.  So, she comes back in and sits patiently waiting and watching for diners!

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