

Thursday, 20 September 2012

I made soup for dinner the other night from the leeks I bought.
Yummy..The mister really enjoyed it.  Daughter wants some too, so I set some aside for her
Guild tonight...
do I have everything ready?  I think so...
 Do I have everything I need?  I think so.. 
I have my box all set to go....I think..lol..ooops  ...almost forgot my library books!
I gotta bake today for tonight!  The exec's always supply treats for September.
I don't know what I want to make, though.  I have really lost my touch with baking..I just don't do it enough anymore.  I don't need the extra calories.
I need to take my camera!  I need the card for the camera out of the computer..
I have a few door prizes for tonight...some magazines and other stuff...can't forget that.
And I think I will need some money.  We are having a speaker tonight and she is going to demo notions and have some for sale..I am a gadget girl for sure!

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