

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

I had guild the other night...I got everything ready and forgot the mags I had for door prizes on my work table...oh well...we had a lot going on tonight anyway.  I will draw for them next month.
We had a great speaker tonight...she has an in-home shop for notions.  She talked about all the notions she had and we could buy...which we all did!
I bought some stuff..a new seam ripper...this summer, for some reason I used my good seam ripper to pull the dried glue from the tip of the glue bottle.  So the next time I tried to use it ...it was all messed up.  Why would I do that!?  I have lots of crappy ones...so  I bought a new one.
I bought some needles and some pressing solution called best press and a couple of other things.
My lemon squares were well received, although I did bring some home.  I'm sure the girls will like them.

We had a lot of really good treats for break, and Jen, our new social executive (she makes tea and coffee, signs up members to make goodies) wants me to let you know what a good job she is doing ....lol  You're doing GREAT Jen!...lol

These are all charity quilts that were made by the ladies who participate in outreach.

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