

Thursday 9 August 2012

Today Thing Two had a friend over, so yesterday I primed a couple of wooden  plaques and a couple of large stars from the dollar store.
Then when Friend One arrived I took their pic..printed it out.  Had them cut it out, then we podged it on to the star.  After it is dried we will paint the stars...and they can take them home.
Friends' Mommy said she would be staying only a couple of hours...they have a new baby nephew to go see.
 So we have quite a few things to squeeze into the day.. the girls want to play with their dolls.  Thing Two is anxious to show off her new doll clothes.

painted and exchanged

I have some new patterns...we can sew some more this week while Thing One is at day camp.
Maybe I can get some more shoes made for the doll.  The take a long time.  I will have Thing Two help!

In the meantime I have started sewing my spiderweb blocks together. Haven't really got much done.  But I did expect this would happen in the summer...I just get too busy with the girls, and the garden.  That will soon come to an end, they are growing up so fast and summer is half over!
 This week has really been a bust.  I have been watching FAR too much TV.  Even I am sitting here yelling "ROW! ROW!"  , or "!RUN!"  "GO GO GO!".   lol....it's hard on my throat because it is a little sore still.
I am so proud of all the Olympians!  All of them ..no matter what country they come from..( well maybe I'll exclude  those who didn't put through their best effort)
Good thing the Olympics only come every few years!

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