

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Broken dishes...hmm..the easy blocks are paying me back..
I thought that this one would be easy, after all, it's just half square triangles..  What could go wrong?  Well I tried to take shortcuts, and didn't think it through.  I did say I didn't want to think or do math.  So, I thought easy way to make half square triangles is to print out the pattern layer 2 pieces of fabric right sides together, pin my pattern on top and sew on the diagonal lines.....no..a quarter inch on either side of the diagonal lines ..which I had to redo..cut them all apart, took off the paper, pressed them and of course ...they are too small

pattern pinned in place
So, I started again...back to the printer and added 7/8" for each square...ended up as 3.5 inches added to the pattern.
When I previewed the pattern, it is too large for the paper ...so I used legal paper,(which is HEAVY), print it out twice and then I have my complete block..I can tape the pieces together and place it on my layered fabric.  Now I will sew all the diagonal lines and cut it all apart
sewn on either side of diagonal lines
PERFECT!...But I forgot..I would get double the amount of squares this way..I removed all the paper, gave them all a press and sewed them together
So I have enough for 2 blocks
waiting to be sewn
I have to bake for quilt guild today ...and go to the next town and pick up stuff for the meeting ..plus tonight my gkids and their Mom stay for dinner, so I have to cook also...going to be a crazy day.   I never bake anymore,  so I will have to look up a good recipe for squares. Quilter love to share snacks.   I have almonds, pecans, currants and craisins..

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